AccessDiff Help
Using The Command Line
Using AccessDiff > Using The Command Line

AccessDiff has the ability to compare databases or folders of databases using the console or a batch file.  You will first need to find where you have installed AccessDiff and also the path to Microsoft Access before proceeding.  Use the version of AccessDiff that is appropriate for the version of Microsoft Acccess that you have installed.  Microsoft Access takes in command line parameters using a single quoted string. 

How do I tell if it ran successfully?


Basic Format:

"Path to Microsoft Access" "Path to AccessDiff" /cmd "Command Line Parameters"

Example for Access 2010 with Windows 7:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\Msaccess.exe" "C:\Users\John Smith\AppData\Roaming\AccessDiff\AccessDiff for Access 2010.accde" /cmd "SOURCE=C:\Regression1.mdb;DESTINATION=C:\Regression2.mdb;EXPORTTYPE=PDF;REPORT=C:\MyReport.pdf"


Command Line Output