NET Caching Library Help
Sqlite Provider
Examples > Sqlite Provider

The sqlite cache provider allows you to save long running results to a sqlite database.  The database will automatically be created with a cache table for saving cache items.  Objects are binary serialized and then saved to the database.  Objects do not need to be marked as Serializable to be saved but they do need to have a default empty constructor.  By default, expired items are removed from the cache every minute.  If the cache is over the MaxMegabytes or MaxCacheItems items will be removed oldest first until the cache is 75% of the MaxMegabytes and MaxCacheItems.


A Nuget reference to the package System.Data.SQLite.Core is required.

Defaults for the Sqlite cache provider

Recommended options for optimal performance



    public class SqliteCacheExample



        public void SqliteCacheExampleUsage()


            //Build parameters for the report

            Dictionary<string, object> parms = new Dictionary<string, object>();

            parms.Add("Month", DateTime.Now.Month);

            parms.Add("Year", DateTime.Now.Year);


            //Get the cache key based on the report parameters

            string cacheKey = Cache.Instance.BuildCacheKey("MonthlySalesReport", parms);


            //Get the report from the cache, if it does not exist, call the ReportLogic.MonthlySalesReport, save it to the cache and return it

            List<ReportDetail> result = Cache.Instance.Get<List<ReportDetail>>(cacheKey, NetCachingLibraryTest.ReportLogic.MonthlySalesReport, parms);



    public static class Cache


        private static SmartCache _smartCache;

        public static SqliteCacheProvider SecondaryCache { get; set; }

        private static void Setup()


            string filePath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData),

                "KellermanSoftware", "NetCachingLibrary", "SqliteExample", "SqliteExample.db");

            string connectionString = string.Format("Data Source={0}; Version=3", filePath);

            SecondaryCache = new SqliteCacheProvider(connectionString);


            SmartConfig config = new SmartConfig(new MemoryCacheProvider(), SecondaryCache);


            //Specify UserName and LicenseKey for Licensed Mode

            //config.UserName = "my user name";

            //config.LicenseKey = "my license key";


            _smartCache = new SmartCache(config);


        public static SmartCache Instance




                if (_smartCache == null)


                return _smartCache;




    public static class ReportLogic


        //Example long running report

        public static List<ReportDetail> MonthlySalesReport(Dictionary<string, object> parms)



            List<ReportDetail> list = new List<ReportDetail>();

            list.Add(new ReportDetail("Midwest", 233457.47m));

            list.Add(new ReportDetail("Southern", 234789.88m));

            return list;

