Knight Data Access Layer
FirebirdProvider Class Members
Properties  Methods 

KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers Namespace : FirebirdProvider Class

The following tables list the members exposed by FirebirdProvider.

Public Constructors
Public Constructor Perform initialization of the Provider  
Public Properties
Public Property Get a reference to the database connection (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Property The connection string (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Property Returns database name (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public PropertyOverridden.  Firebird does not support dirty reads  
Public PropertyOverridden.  Get a friendly name for the provider  
Public Property True if the connection is open (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public PropertyOverridden.  The database is a single file  
Public Property True if we are inside a transaction (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Property The license key for the license (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public PropertyOverridden.  The default parameter prefix for Firebird is @  
Public Property Returns true if the provider supports comments (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Property Get a reference to the current transaction (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Property The user name for the license (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Protected Properties
Protected Property Returns true if batch mode is active (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Methods
Public Method Begin a new transaction (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public MethodOverridden.  Build a connection string based on the passed in database  
Public MethodOverridden.  Change database  
Public MethodOverloaded.  Clear the file log (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Close the database connection (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Commit the current transaction (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Opens and closes the connection to ensure it is valid. (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Get the number of records in a table (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public MethodOverloaded. Overridden.  Create new database  
Public MethodOverridden.  Check database existance  
Public Method Disable all logging (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Close the connection on Dispose (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Drop (remove) a table from the database (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public MethodOverloaded.  Log to the console (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public MethodOverloaded.  Execute the passed query and return the number of affected records (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public MethodOverloaded.  Execute the passed stored procedure and return the number of affected records. Output parameters will be set on return. (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseStoredProcedureProvider)
Public MethodOverloaded.  Execute the passed query and return the first column of the first row (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public MethodOverloaded.  Execute the passed stored procedure and return the first column of the first row (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseStoredProcedureProvider)
Public MethodOverloaded.  Fill a data table with the passed sql and parameters (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Returns true if the Foreign Key Exists (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public MethodOverridden.  Get the SQL to add a column to a table  
Public MethodOverridden.  Get all the foreign key constraints in the database  
Public MethodOverridden.  Get portion of SQL used for the column definition for add column and create table sql  
Public Method Get sql comment using the given comment text (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Get comment separator line (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Get the SQL to create an index  
Public MethodOverridden.  Get the sql to create sequence  
Public Method Get the SQL for creating a table with the primary key (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public MethodOverridden.  Get the SQL for creating a table with composite keys  
Public MethodOverridden.  Get the SQL for creating a table with a primary key  
Public Method Get the SQL to create the tables (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public MethodOverridden.  Get the sql to create trigger if it doesn't exist, alter trigger otherwise  
Public MethodOverridden.  Get database name from connection string.  
Public MethodOverridden.  Get a list of databases for the database server  
Public MethodOverridden.  Get the date from the database server  
Public MethodOverridden.  Get a list of tables for the current database  
Public MethodOverridden.  Get the database field type for the passed standard DbType  
Public MethodOverloaded.  Get a datatable from the passed sql (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public MethodOverridden.  Get a DbType associated with a string from a database  
Public MethodOverridden.  Get the DbType for provided ClrType  
Public MethodOverridden.  Get the sql to drop a sequence  
Public MethodOverridden.  Get the sql to drop a table  
Public MethodOverridden.  Get the sql to drop a trigger Delete trigger. Can only be performed by the owner of the trigger. Can not be performed when the trigger is currently running Dropping trigger will no longer increments table change count  
Public MethodOverridden.  Get a .NET type associated with a string from a database  
Public Method Get the identity for the last inserted record  
Public Method Get the SQL used to get the identity for the last inserted record  
Public Method Get the indexes for a table  
Public Method Get the maximum value for the primary key (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Get the SQL required to get the maximum value of the primary key (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Generate SQL that will get a page of records  
Public Method Get records from stored procedure using passed parameters (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseStoredProcedureProvider)
Public MethodOverridden.  Get the server name from the connection string  
Public Method Get the top clause for a provider.  
Public MethodOverridden.  Get the sql to truncate a table.  
Public Method Get the SQL to update the tables (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Returns true if the index exists for a table  
Public MethodOverloaded.  Get a list of records using the passed SQL (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public MethodOverloaded.  Get records by stored procedure with the passed parameters (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseStoredProcedureProvider)
Public MethodOverloaded.  Get a single record from a table with a parameterized where clause (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Get a page of records for a table (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public MethodOverloaded.  Get a limited number of records for a table (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Mark foreign key columns by convention (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Mark Primary Key in a table (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Mark primary key columns by convention (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Open the database connection (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public MethodOverloaded.  Returns true if the record exists (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Perform a rollback of the current transaction (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public MethodOverridden.  Returns true if the stored procedure exists  
Public MethodOverridden.  Returns true if the table exists in the database  
Public Method Delete all the records from a table (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method For Firebird table names and field names are not wrapped in square brackets or back ticks  
Protected Methods
Protected Method Add constraints. (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Protected Method Adds the foreign key constraints. (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Protected Method Build the sql for fields other than the primary key (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Protected Method Adds parameters to the given command (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Protected Method Builds the top records SQL. (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Protected Method Creates new command with the given command text (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Protected Method Creates new connection (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Protected MethodOverridden.  Creates data adapter using the given select command  
Protected MethodOverridden.  Get the SQL for the batch end  
Protected MethodOverridden.  Get the primary columns by the schema  
Protected Method Gets records using the given command (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Protected MethodOverridden.  Get SQL for batch start  
Protected Method Intercept the SQL and change it with the passed parameters (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Protected Method Sets parameter using the given parameter value (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
See Also


FirebirdProvider Class
KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers Namespace