Knight Data Access Layer
OracleManagedDataAccessProvider Class Members
Properties  Methods 

KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers Namespace : OracleManagedDataAccessProvider Class

The following tables list the members exposed by OracleManagedDataAccessProvider.

Public Constructors
Public Constructor Perform initialization of the Provider  
Public Properties
Public Property Get a reference to the database connection (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Property The connection string (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Property Returns database name (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Property Oracle does not support dirty reads (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Property Get a friendly name for the provider (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Property True if the connection is open (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Property The database is not a single file (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Property True if we are inside a transaction (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Property The license key for the license (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Property The default parameter prefix for Oracle is the colon character, : (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Property Returns true if the provider supports comments (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Property Get a reference to the current transaction (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Property The user name for the license (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Protected Properties
Protected Property Returns true if batch mode is active (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Methods
Public Method Begin a new transaction (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Build a connection string based on the passed in database (Just returns the connection string for Oracle) (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Method Change database (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public MethodOverloaded.  Clear the file log (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Close the database connection (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Commit the current transaction (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Opens and closes the connection to ensure it is valid. (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Get the number of records in a table (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Method Create new database (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Method Check database existance (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Method Disable all logging (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Close the connection on Dispose (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Drop (remove) a table from the database (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public MethodOverloaded.  Log to the console (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public MethodOverloaded.  Execute the passed query and return the number of affected records (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public MethodOverloaded.  Execute the passed stored procedure and return the number of affected records. Output parameters will be set on return. (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseStoredProcedureProvider)
Public MethodOverloaded.  Execute the passed query and return the first column of the first row (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public MethodOverloaded.  Execute the passed stored procedure and return the first column of the first row (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseStoredProcedureProvider)
Public MethodOverloaded.  Fill a data table with the passed sql and parameters (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Returns true if the Foreign Key Exists (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Get the SQL for adding a column to an existing table (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Method Get all the foreign key constrains for the database (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Method Get portion of SQL used for the column definition for add column and create table sql (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Method Get sql comment using the given comment text (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Get comment separator line (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Get the SQL to create the passed in index (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Method Get the sql to create sequence (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Method Get the SQL for creating a table with the primary key (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Get the SQL for creating a table without a primary key (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Method Get the SQL for creating a table with a primary key (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Method Get the SQL to create the tables (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Get the sql to create trigger (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Method Get database name from the connection string (Always returns null for Oracle) (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Method Get a list of databases for the database server (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Method Get the date from the database server (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Method Get a list of tables for the current connection (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Method Get the database field type for the passed standard DbType (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public MethodOverloaded.  Get a datatable from the passed sql (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Get a DbType associated with a string from a database (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Method Get the DbType for provided ClrType (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Get the sql to drop a sequence (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Method Get the sql to drop a table (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Method Get the sql to drop a trigger (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Method Get a .NET type associated with a string from a database (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Method Get the identity for the last inserted record (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Method Get the SQL used to get the identity for the last inserted record (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Method Gets the indexes for a table. (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Method Get the maximum value for the primary key (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Get the SQL required to get the maximum value of the primary key (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Get the SQL for creating a table with composite keys (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Method Generate SQL that will get a page of records (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Method Get records from stored procedure using passed parameters (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseStoredProcedureProvider)
Public Method Get a row number clause for a provider (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Method Get the server name from the connection string (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Method Get the sql to truncate a table. (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Method Get the SQL to update the tables (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Detect if an index exists (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public MethodOverloaded.  Get a list of records using the passed SQL (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public MethodOverloaded.  Get records by stored procedure with the passed parameters (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseStoredProcedureProvider)
Public MethodOverloaded.  Get a single record from a table with a parameterized where clause (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Get a page of records for a table (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public MethodOverloaded.  Get a limited number of records for a table (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Mark foreign key columns by convention (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Mark Primary Key in a table (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Mark primary key columns by convention (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Open the database connection (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public MethodOverloaded.  Returns true if the record exists (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Perform a rollback of the current transaction (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method Returns true if the stored procedure exists (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Method Returns true if the table exists (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Public Method Delete all the records from a table (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Public Method For Oracle table names and field names are not wrapped in square brackets or back ticks (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Protected Methods
Protected Method Add constraints. (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Protected Method Adds the foreign key constraints. (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Protected Method Build the sql for fields other than the primary key (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Protected Method Adds parameters to the given command (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Protected Method Builds the top records SQL. (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Protected Method Creates new command with the given command text (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Protected Method Creates new connection (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Protected Method Creates data adapter using the given select command (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Protected Method Get SQL for batch end (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Protected Method Get the primary columns by the schema (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Protected Method Gets records using the given command (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Protected Method Get SQL for batch start (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers.BaseOracleProvider)
Protected Method Intercept the SQL and change it with the passed parameters (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
Protected Method Sets parameter using the given parameter value (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.BaseDatabaseProvider)
See Also


OracleManagedDataAccessProvider Class
KellermanSoftware.NetDataAccessLayer.Providers Namespace