'Get the current thread static safe instance of the helper
Dim db As IDataHelper = DataHelper.SessionFactory()
'Specify User Name and License Key from the receipt, leave blank for trial mode
'db.UserName = "John Smith 1234"
'db.LicenseKey = "asdfl219=="
' Open the database connection
' Clear table Person
' Create Persons to save to the database
Dim persons As New List(Of Person)() From {
New Person With {.FirstName = "Han", .LastName = "Solo"},
New Person With {.FirstName = "Luke", .LastName = "Skywalker"},
New Person With {.FirstName = "Leia", .LastName = "Organa"},
New Person With {.FirstName = "Obi-Wan", .LastName = "Kenobi"},
New Person With {.FirstName = "Padme", .LastName = "Amidala"}}
' Save them to the database
Dim pagingParameters As New PagingParameters()
pagingParameters.TableName = "Person"
pagingParameters.PrimaryKeyName = "PersonId"
pagingParameters.WhereClause = "WHERE LastName <> @LastName"
'INSTANT VB TODO TASK: Assignments within expressions are not supported in VB
'ORIGINAL LINE: pagingParameters.Parameters = New Dictionary(Of string, object) { {"@LastName", "Organa"} };
pagingParameters.Parameters = New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {{"@LastName", "Organa"}}
pagingParameters.OrderByClause = "ORDER BY FirstName"
pagingParameters.PageNumber = 2
pagingParameters.PageSize = 2
Dim list As List(Of Dictionary(Of String, Object)) = db.LoadPage(pagingParameters)
' Close the connection