Knight Data Access Layer
Mapping SQL VB.NET
Basic Tasks VB.NET > Mapping > Mapping SQL VB.NET

One of the exciting things about Knight Data Access Layer is the ability to automatically map the results of a SQL query.  This can be performed by simply creating a class to populate the results.  Just like the other automatic mapping, the mappings are internally cached for high performance.


Dim db As IDataHelper = DataHelper.SessionFactory()


'Create a new Person to save to the database

Dim currentPerson As New Person()

currentPerson.FirstName = "John"

currentPerson.LastName = "Smith"

'Save it to the database


Dim sql As String = "select * from Person where FirstName=@FirstName and LastName=@LastName"

'Creating dictionary

Dim parms As New Dictionary(Of String, Object)()

parms.Add("FirstName", "John")

parms.Add("LastName", "Smith")

'Load the passed sql into a list of objects

Dim personList As List(Of Person) = db.Load(Of Person)(sql, parms)