What to output in the log.
The default is:
%Indent%[%LogTime%] %Message%, Last Milliseconds: %TotalMilliseconds% [%LogLevel%] Machine: %MachineName% User: %UserName% Process: %ProcessName% CallingMethod: %CallingMethod% LineNumber: %LineNumber% %Additional%%NewLine%
%Indent% - When PushMethod and PopMethod are used the log will be indented when this tag is used.
%LogTime% - The current date and time the message was logged. The format can be specified with the DateFormat property.
%Message% - The message logged
%TotalMilliseconds% - The number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the last message
%TotalSeconds% - The number of seconds that have elapsed since the last message
%LogLevel% - The log level of the message, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL
%MachineName% - The System.Environment.MachineName
%UserName% - The user name of the logged in principal
%CurrentAppDomain% - The current AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName
%AssemblyName% - The name of the assembly that called the logger
%FileName% - The filename of the assembly that called the logger
%Namespace% - The namespace of that called the logger
%ProcessName% - The thread id or thread name
%ClassName% - The class that called the logger
%MethodName% - The method name that called the logger
%CallingMethod% - The calling method in the format namespace.classname.methodname
%LineNumber% - The line number where the logging occured
%Additional% - The additional message to be logged
%StackTrace% - The current stack trace
%LoggerName% - The name of the logger
%Attachment% - When logging attachments, this is a Base64Encoded string
%MillisecondsSince1970%" - Number of milliseconds since January 1st, 1970
%8601DateFormat% - Equivalent to a date time format of yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffffffzzz
%NewLine% - System.Environment.NewLine