The following tables list the members exposed by Configuration.
Public Constructors
Public Properties
| Name | Description |
 | AutoIncreaseLevel |
When Log.LogException is used the default logging level automatically changes to Debug.
This is usefull for gathering more information after an exception occurs.
The default is false
 | DefaultBufferSize |
When the LoggingMode is set to Buffered, this is the size of the buffer before writing to the target.
The default is 100
 | DefaultDateFormat |
The default date format when logging to targets. The default is "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff". Any .NET Date Formatting can be used.
See and
 | DefaultFileRollingMaxArchiveFiles |
The maximum number of archive files when rolling file targets. Also set the RollingStyle to ArchiveSize or ArchiveTimePeriod. The default is 7
 | DefaultFileRollingStyle |
The default rolling style for file targets.
The default is to discard the oldest entries: RollingStyle.DiscardMaxLogEntries
 | DefaultLoggingMode |
By default all logging is synchronous. This is a change from Version 1 of the logger where all targets were asynchronous.
 | DefaultMaxLogEntries |
For file and database targets, this is the default maximum number of entries before rolling occurs. The default is 10,000. By default the oldest entries will be discarded. Set to zero for unlimited.
 | DefaultMessageFormat |
The default message format for console and text files.
See the Message Format topic in the Basic Tasks section of the help file.
 | DefaultRollingTimePeriod |
The default period to archive roll file targets. Set the RollingStyle of the target to ArchiveTimePeriod. The default is RollingTimePeriod.Daily
 | GetCallingMethodDetails |
By default, reflection is used to gather calling method information. This can be turned off to increase performance.
When turned off these log fields will be blank: AssemblyName, FileName, ClassName, MethodName, Namespace, LineNUmber
 | GetEnvironmentInfo |
By default, environmental info is gathered. This can be turned off to increase performance.
When turned off these log fields will be blank: UserName, MachineName, Identity, ProcessName
 | IgnoreDuplicates |
Ignore duplicate messges.
This is very useful when an infinite loop occurs so the log doesn't fill up with the same message.
See also MaxDuplicates. By default is false.
 | IsDebugEnabled |
Turn on/off logging when performing a Log.Debug
The default is true
 | IsErrorEnabled |
Turn on/off logging when performing a Log.Error
The default is true
 | IsFailSafeLoggingEnabled |
By default, logging configuration exceptions are not thrown and only the Log.LoggingException property is set.
If IsFailSafeLoggingEnabled is set to false, all logging configuration exceptions will be thrown. This is useful when initially setting up logging
 | IsFatalEnabled |
Turn on/off logging when performing a Log.Fatal
The default is true
 | IsInfoEnabled |
Turn on/off logging when performing a Log.Info
The default is true
 | IsWarnEnabled |
Turn on/off logging when performing a Log.Warn
The default is true
 | MaxDuplicates |
When IgnoreDuplicates is set to true, duplicate log entries will be ignored after this number.
The default is 10 duplicates.
 | OverrideCurrentAppDomain |
Override the CurrentAppDomain property of each log entry to the passed in value. The default of this override is null and so the AppDomain.Current.FriendlyName will be used
 | SkipFrames |
The number of frames to skip when getting the calling method. Useful when the logger is wrapped in another helper class.
 | StackInactivityTimeout |
When doing a PushMethod. This is the maximum time an item will be kept on the stack. The default is 180 seconds (3 minutes)
 | Targets |
A list of logging targets. If no logging targets are defined in the web.config, app.config or a log.config here are the default targets:
Winform application or Windows Service - Console and a Log.txt file in the current directory
ASP.NET application - Response.Write
Web Services or WCF - None
See Also