The following tables list the members exposed by EmailTarget.
Public Constructors
Public Properties
| Name | Description |
 | AnyFilters |
Used internally for performance. Returns true if there is any filter defined for this target.
(Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetLoggingLibrary.Targets.BaseTarget) |
 | AssemblyNameFilter |
If specified, only log for a specific assembly name
It is possible to use multiple assemblies delimited by a comma and the asterisk wildcard.
(Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetLoggingLibrary.Targets.BaseTarget) |
 | Bcc |
A comma delimited list of blind carbon copy recipients
 | BufferSize |
When a logging target is wrapped by a BufferedWrapper, this is how often messages are committed
(Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetLoggingLibrary.Targets.BaseTarget) |
 | Cc |
A comma delimited list of carbon copy recipients
 | ClassNameFilter |
If specified, only log for a specific class name
It is possible to use multiple classes delimited by a comma and the asterisk wildcard.
(Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetLoggingLibrary.Targets.BaseTarget) |
 | DateFormat | The date format for the LogTime variable. See the Date Format topic in the Basic Tasks Section of the Help File (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetLoggingLibrary.Targets.BaseTarget) |
 | FromEmail |
The email address of the sender
 | IsBodyHtml |
True if the body is html. Defaults to false.
 | LogCount |
The number of messages that have been logged for this logger
(Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetLoggingLibrary.Targets.BaseTarget) |
 | MachineNameFilter |
If specified, logging will only occur for the specific machine name
It is possible to use multiple machines delimited by a comma and the asterisk wildcard.
(Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetLoggingLibrary.Targets.BaseTarget) |
 | MessageFormat | What to output in the log. See the Message Format topic in the Basic Tasks Section of the Help File (Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetLoggingLibrary.Targets.BaseTarget) |
 | MethodNameFilter |
If specified, only log for a specific method name
It is possible to use multiple methods delimited by a comma and the asterisk wildcard.
(Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetLoggingLibrary.Targets.BaseTarget) |
 | MinimumLevel |
The minimum logging level to log a message
(Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetLoggingLibrary.Targets.BaseTarget) |
 | Mode |
Defines which mode to use for the target; Synchronous, Buffered, or Asynchronous. The default is Synchronous.
(Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetLoggingLibrary.Targets.BaseTarget) |
 | Name |
The name of the logger
(Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetLoggingLibrary.Targets.BaseTarget) |
 | NamespaceFilter |
If specified, only log for a specific namespace.
It is possible to use multiple namespaces delimited by a comma and the asterisk wildcard.
(Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetLoggingLibrary.Targets.BaseTarget) |
 | Password |
The password for the email account
 | SmtpPort |
The port to send the email through. Defaults to 25
 | SmtpServer |
The name or IP address of the SMTP server to send the mail through
 | Subject |
The subject of the email. Defaults to: Kellerman Logger
 | ThreadNameFilter |
If specified, logging will only occur for the thread id or thread name specified
It is possible to use multiple thread names delimited by a comma and the asterisk wildcard.
(Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetLoggingLibrary.Targets.BaseTarget) |
 | ToEmail |
A comma delimited list of recipients
 | UserName |
The user name for the email account
 | UserNameFilter |
If specified, logging will only occur for the specific user name
It is possible to use multiple users delimited by a comma and the asterisk wildcard.
(Inherited from KellermanSoftware.NetLoggingLibrary.Targets.BaseTarget) |
 | UseSsl |
If true, use SSL when connecting to the SMTP Server. Defaults to false.
Public Methods
See Also