Databases are automatically created during the OpenDatabase method if they do not already exist. Use the DoesDatabaseExist method to check if the database exists before executing the OpenDatabase method.
C# Example:
Db db = new Db("MyDatabaseDirectory", "MyDatabaseName");
//Licensed Mode
//db.UserName = "John Smith 101224";
//db.LicenseKey = "aousdf832jasf==";
//Set before OpenDatabase. Default storage is IsolatedStorageDatabase. Other options are:
//db.Storage = new MemoryDatabase(); //In memory database
//db.Storage = new FileDatabase(); //Valid only for non Silverlight projects
//This will be false the first time
bool databaseExists = db.DoesDatabaseExist();
//This will be true
databaseExists = db.DoesDatabaseExist();