A full text index is a non-unique index on a string property. Creating a full text index gives the ability to search for keywords, search for phrases, and search by regular expressions. To create a full text index, call the AddFullTextIndex. To search see these methods: SearchPhrase, SearchAllKeywords, SearchAnyKeywords, SearchByRegex
NinjaDbPro db = new NinjaDbPro("FullTextIndexExampleDir", "FullTextIndexExampleDir.db");
//Licensed Mode //db.UserName = "John Smith 101224"; //db.LicenseKey = "aousdf832jasf=="; //Set before OpenDatabase. Default storage is IsolatedStorageDatabase. Other options are: //db.Storage = new MemoryDatabase(); //In memory database //db.Storage = new FileDatabase(); //Valid only for non Silverlight projects
//Open the database
//Add a full text index if it doesn't already exist if (!db.IndexExists<Quote>("QuoteTextIndex"))
Quote>("QuoteTextIndex", "QuoteText");
//Add a couple record to the database
Quote quote = new Quote();quote.Author =
"John";quote.QuoteText =
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";db.Save(quote);
//Add a couple record to the database
quote =
new Quote();quote.Author =
"Jane";quote.QuoteText =
"The rain in spain falls mainly on the plain.";db.Save(quote);
//Find a quote by a phrase var phraseQuery = db.SearchPhrase<Quote>("QuoteTextIndex", "brown fox", true);
//Lazy load the first record and write out a property
//Find a quote by any keywords
var anyQuery = db.SearchAnyKeywords<Quote>("QuoteTextIndex", "fox spain", true);
//Lazy load the second record and write out a property
//Find a quote by all keywords
var allQuery = db.SearchAllKeywords<Quote>("QuoteTextIndex", "jumps dog", true);
//Lazy load the second record and write out a property
Console.WriteLine(allQuery[0].LazyValue.Author);//Find a quote by Regex Regex searchRegex = new Regex(@"brown\sfox"); var regexQuery = db.SearchByRegex<Quote>("QuoteTextIndex", searchRegex);
//Lazy load the second record and write out a property
//Close the database