| Class | Description |
 | BaseCompositeIndex<T> |
Base Index used internally for both SingleIndex and compositeIndex
 | BaseSingleIndex<T,TIndex> |
Base Index used internally for both SingleIndex and compositeIndex
 | CompositeIndex<T> |
An index that can take multiple properties
 | CompositeIndexRecord<T> |
A type representing an index record for multiple types
 | DisableAutoAttribute |
Used to disable IsDirty, IsDeleted, CreateDate, UpdateDate
 | Field |
The database fields returned when doing a LoadSchema
 | FileDatabase |
File Database Implementation
 | ForeignKeyAttribute |
Defines a foreign key index
 | FullTextIndex<T> |
Index used for rapidly searching by keywords or phrases
 | IgnoreColumnAttribute |
This field will not be saved or loaded from the database
 | IsolatedStorageDatabase |
The default storage location for the database
 | MemoryDatabase |
Memory database implementation
 | NinjaDbPro |
Light, nimble, and powerful database for .NET, Mono, .NET Core, Xamarin, and UWP
 | NinjaDbProException |
Thrown when any exception occurs in the database
 | ObjectArrayStringSerializer |
Serialize a list of objects into a compact string
 | ObjectQuery<T> |
When doing a CreateObjectQuery, this class type is returned
 | PrimaryKeyAttribute |
Overrides the default behavior of looking for the property name Id or TableNameId
 | SchemaClass |
When doing an ExportSchema, this class type is returned
 | SingleIndex<T,TIndex> |
An index used for a single type.
 | SingleIndexRecord<T,TIndex> |
A type representing an index record for a single type
 | SterlingCompositeIndex<T> |
A composite index list similar to Sterling except it can handle more than two properites
 | SterlingSingleIndex<T,TIndex> |
Index similar to Sterling Database with records stored in a list
 | Table |
When doing a LoadSchema, this is a table in the database
 | TableIndex |
Contains a list of indexes for a table. Used internally for indexes. It is public so it can be serialized.
| Interface | Description |
 | ICompositeIndex |
An index that supports multiple properties
 | IIndex |
Base interface for an index
 | ISingleIndex |
An index that supports a single property
 | IStorage |
Interface that defines what storage targets must implement
 | IStorageStream |
Interface that requires the minimum methods for a database stream
 | ITrigger |
Trigger Interface for Insert, Update, Delete
See Also