User Agent Parser
KellermanSoftware.UserAgentParser Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
Class Browser used for browser capabilities
Class Browser Capability for a Browser
Class A browser capability
Class Used internally to detect the browser by name
Class Used internally for performance to cache commonly used user agent strings
Class Device Detector Configuration
Class Detect browsers and devices from a user agent string
Class Information about the detected device
Class Occurs when the User Agent Parser data file is udpated
Class Information about a device model
Class Capabilities for a device
Class Used internally to prioritize collections
Class Used internally to store all information
Class Logic to read the resource file
Class Custom Exception
Class Logic for determining if a User Agent String is valid per RFC 7231 Section-5.5.3
Enumeration The browser type
Enumeration Security level:
See Also


KellermanSoftware.User-Agent-Parser Assembly