Word Reports
Inserting Tables
Basic Tasks > Inserting Tables

Tables have default formatting.  Defaults can be overridden with column definitions.  Here is an example of inserting a table into a Word Document:


//To run this example code, create a word document called SimpleTable.docx with the text [SimpleTable] in the document

WordReportsGenerator generator = new WordReportsGenerator(); //Trial Mode

//WordReportsGenerator generator = new WordReportsGenerator("place user name here", "place license key here"); //License Mode

const string sourceDocumentPath = @"Test Documents\SimpleTable.docx";

const string outputDocumentPath = "ReplaceSimpleTable.docx";

DataTable simpleTable = new DataTable();

simpleTable.Columns.Add("FirstName", typeof(string));

simpleTable.Columns.Add("LastName", typeof(string));

simpleTable.Rows.Add("Greg", "Finzer");

simpleTable.Rows.Add("Oreo", "Finzer");

Dictionary<string, ReplacementItem> replacement =

new Dictionary<string, ReplacementItem>




new ReplacementItem {Value = simpleTable}








'To run this example code, create a word document called SimpleTable.docx with the text [SimpleTable] in the document

Dim generator As New WordReportsGenerator() 'Trial Mode

'WordReportsGenerator generator = new WordReportsGenerator("place user name here", "place license key here"); //License Mode


Const sourceDocumentPath As String = "Test Documents\SimpleTable.docx"

Const outputDocumentPath As String = "ReplaceSimpleTable.docx"


Dim simpleTable As New DataTable()

simpleTable.Columns.Add("FirstName", GetType(String))

simpleTable.Columns.Add("LastName", GetType(String))

simpleTable.Rows.Add("Greg", "Finzer")

simpleTable.Rows.Add("Oreo", "Finzer")


Dim replacement As New Dictionary(Of String, ReplacementItem) From {


"[SimpleTable]", New ReplacementItem With {.Value = simpleTable}




generator.GenerateWordReport(sourceDocumentPath, outputDocumentPath, replacement)