Word Reports
Creating Single Page Documents
Basic Tasks > Creating Single Page Documents

At its simplest level, the .NET Word Reports Library allows you to perform a search and replace of text inside a word document.  To create a single page report such as an invoice, receipt, packing slip, create a word document and then put in text to replace.  Create a dictionary of replacment items.  See the demo which is included with the install, it shows an example of creating an invoice.


//To run this example code, create a word document called ExampleTemplate.docx with the text [ReplaceMe] in the document
WordReportsGenerator generator = new WordReportsGenerator(); //Trial Mode
//WordReportsGenerator generator = new WordReportsGenerator("place user name here", "place license key here"); //License Mode
const string sourceDocumentPath = @"Test Documents\ExampleTemplate.docx";
const string outputDocumentPath = "ExampleOutput.docx";
Dictionary<string, ReplacementItem> replacement =
    new Dictionary<string, ReplacementItem>
                new ReplacementItem { Value = "This is a test" }

'To run this example code, create a word document called ExampleTemplate.docx with the text [ReplaceMe] in the document
Dim generator As New WordReportsGenerator() 'Trial Mode
'WordReportsGenerator generator = new WordReportsGenerator("place user name here", "place license key here"); //License Mode
Const sourceDocumentPath As String = "Test Documents\ExampleTemplate.docx"
Const outputDocumentPath As String = "ExampleOutput.docx"
Dim replacement As New Dictionary(Of String, ReplacementItem)() From {{ "[ReplaceMe]", New ReplacementItem With {.Value = "This is a test"} }}
generator.GenerateWordReport(sourceDocumentPath, outputDocumentPath, replacement)