The .NET Encryption Library can be used to generate a one time password of six digits based on a key. The one time password is good for the specified number of seconds. The example below creates a one time password that is valid for one second.
C# | ![]() |
Encryption encryption = new Encryption(); //Trial Mode //Encryption encryption = new Encryption("place user name here", "place license key here"); //License Mode string oneTimePassword = encryption.CreateTimedOneTimePassword("SecretPassword", 1); Console.WriteLine(oneTimePassword); Assert.IsTrue(encryption.VerifyTimeOneTimePassword("SecretPassword", 1, oneTimePassword)); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); string anotherOneTimePassword = encryption.CreateTimedOneTimePassword("SecretPassword", 1); Console.WriteLine(anotherOneTimePassword); Assert.AreNotEqual(oneTimePassword, anotherOneTimePassword); |
VB.NET | ![]() |
Dim encryption As New Encryption() 'Trial Mode 'Encryption encryption = new Encryption("place user name here", "place license key here"); //License Mode Dim oneTimePassword As String = encryption.CreateTimedOneTimePassword("SecretPassword", 1) Console.WriteLine(oneTimePassword) Assert.IsTrue(encryption.VerifyTimeOneTimePassword("SecretPassword", 1, oneTimePassword)) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000) Dim anotherOneTimePassword As String = encryption.CreateTimedOneTimePassword("SecretPassword", 1) Console.WriteLine(anotherOneTimePassword) Assert.AreNotEqual(oneTimePassword, anotherOneTimePassword) |