Name | Description | |
FTP Constructor | Overloaded. |
The following tables list the members exposed by FTP.
Name | Description | |
FTP Constructor | Overloaded. |
Name | Description | |
AccountName | Account Name to use for the lesser used ACCT command required by some FTP Servers This is different than the UserName and Password | |
AccountPassword | Account Password to use for the lesser used ACCT command required by some FTP Servers This is different than the UserName and Password | |
AppendSupported | By default the .NET FTP Library assumes your FTP Server supports the APPE command when connections are lost. If set to false, the entire file is re-transfered when the connection is lost | |
AsyncInProgress | If true there is an Asynchronous tranfer in progress | |
BufferSize | Specify the Buffer Size for transfers in bytes. The default is 4096. | |
BytesSkipped | ||
CheckXCrc | If true, ensure the integrity of the transfer by issuing an XCRC. Your FTP Server must support XCRC. See the Features() method. | |
ClientCertificates | Use a local X509 Client Certificate to encrypt an SSL FTP Session | |
CurrentDirectory | Specifies the current FTP directory. | |
CurrentDirectoryBeingTransferred | The name of the current directory being transferred (the source directory name). This property is filled durring asynchronous uploads/downloads for directories. For single file operations, this property is string.empty. | |
CurrentDirectoryNumber | When uploading/downloading directories this is the number of the current directory or subdirectory being transferred. | |
CurrentFileBeingTransferred | The name of the current file being transferred. This property is filled during asynchronous uploads/downloads. | |
CurrentFileBeingTransferredDestination | The currently transferring file destination. This property is filled during asynchronous uploads/downloads. | |
CurrentFileNumber | When uploading/downloading directories this is the number of the current file being transferred. | |
CustomLogger | Attach a custom logger for logging | |
DateParseFormats | Contains regular expression formats to parse the date and time portion of FTP directory listings. You may add your own date/time parsing format for your FTP server. Please put the parsing expressions into .NET regular expression groups. See the examples below. Regular Expression Groups
| |
DebugSSL | When EnableLogging() is used, performs verbose logging of SSL Certificates and Streams | |
DirectoryCount | When uploading/downloading directories, this is the total number of directories and sub directories to be transferred. | |
DirectoryParseFormats | Contains regular expression formats to parse FTP directory listings. By default if a directory entry cannot be parsed it is not put into the list. To see lines that cannot be parsed, turn on StrictDirectoryParsing. You may add your own parsing formats to the list. Please use these regular expression groups. See the examples below. Regular Expression Groups
| |
EnableSSL | If true the FTP component connects via SSL using the AUTH TLS command. The remote FTP server must have an SSL certificate installed for the FTP server in order to use SSL. | |
EnsureCertificates | By default, any SSL Certificate errors are ignored. If EnsureCertificates is set to true, SSL Certificate errors will be thrown as exceptions | |
EstimatedTimeRemaining | During a file/directory transfer operation, this is the time that remains. This is calculated by the average KB/Second and the remaining bytes to transfer. | |
ExactDirectoryMode | Some FTP servers do not allow root access. Kellerman FTP automatically detects this but it can be overridden. Example: _ftp.Connect(); _ftp.CurrentDirectory="MyDirectory"; _ftp.ExactDirectoryMode=false; | |
FileCount | When uploading/downloading directories this is the total number of files to be transferred. | |
FtpDirectorySeparator | Directory Separator Character. Default is '/' | |
HostAddress | Specifies the host name or IP Address of the FTP Server. | |
HourDifference | The difference in hours between the local time and the FTP Server Time. See the CalcHourDifference to automatically calculate the hour difference between the local PC and the FTP Server. | |
IgnoreDirectoriesWithNoPermission | By default, local directories that do not have permission to be read will throw an unauthorized exception. Setting this flag ignores those errors. | |
ImplicitSslPort | Gets or sets the implicit SSL port. The default is 990 | |
IpEndPoint | The IP End Point of the remote server | |
IsBusy | Returns true when any FTP operation is in progress. | |
IsCancelled | ||
IsConnected | Returns true if we are connected to the FTP server. | |
KiloByteAverage | During a file or directory transfer operation, this is the average transfer rate in KB/Sec. | |
KiloBytePeak | During a file or directory transfer operation, this is the highest transfer rate in KB/Sec. | |
KiloBytePerSecond | This is the current speed of a file or directory transfer in KB/Sec. | |
KiloBytePerSecThrottle | This is the maximum number of KB/Sec of bandwidth that the FTP component will use If zero, it will transfer at top speed. | |
KiloBytesSkipped | When synchronizing, or when not overwriting files, this is the current number of bytes that didn't need to be transferred. | |
LastException | Get the last exception that occurred during an FTP Operation. This value is automatically set to null each time a new FTP Session is Connected. The default for this property is null. | |
LastFtpCommand | Return the last FTP Command Attempted. | |
LastFtpResponse | Return the last FTP Response from the server. | |
MaskUserNamePassword | If true, the user name and password will be replaced with **** when logging, otherwise they will be displayed. The default is true. | |
OverwriteFiles | If a file already exists locally it will be overwritten during a download. The default for this property is false. | |
OverwriteReadOnlyFiles | If a local file is a read only file it will be overwritten durring a download. The default for this property is false. | |
PadCrc | Pad a zero to the front of the local CRC if there is an odd number of digits. Some FTP Servers add a pad of zero to the front if there is an odd number of digits and some do not. The default is false. | |
ParentDirectory | Returns the parent directory for the current directory or the root | |
Password | Specifies the password to use while communicating with the FTP Server. | |
Pbsz0After | When connecting to SSL by default it tries to issue a PBSZ 0 before logging in. By setting to true it only tries PBSZ 0 after logging in. The default is false. | |
PercentComplete | The percent complete for the overall transfer | |
Port | Specifies the port to communicate with the FTP Server. The default is 21. | |
Proxy | Hold Information about the FTP Proxy Server. Socks 5 is normally used for proxy servers with port 1080. The older Socks 4 is supported, this also normally operates on port 1080. | |
ReadWriteTimeout | Gets/Sets the timeout in milliseconds when reading/writing to a local file stream or network stream. The default is to wait 30000 (30 seconds). | |
ReconnectRetryTestCommand | When a connection is lost and we are attempting to reconnect. This command is sent to ensure the server is responding. This defaults to NOOP | |
RestartSupported | By default the .NET FTP Library assumes your FTP Server supports the REST command when connections are lost. If set to false, the file is attempted to be appended | |
RetryTimeout | Retry timeout in milliseconds if a network connection drops. The default is to wait 5 minutes if the network drops and then retry an upload or download from the last byte position. If no retry is desired set to -1. | |
SessionGuid | Uniquely identifies this instantiated FTP object | |
SkippedFiles | When synchronizing, or when not overwriting files, this is the current number of files that didn't need to be transferred. | |
SslProtocol | The SSL or TLS protocol (The default is SslProtocols.Default which is SSL 3.0 or TLS 1.0) | |
StrictDirectoryParsing | When doing a GetDirectoryListing if a directory line cannot be parsed, throw an exception. The default is false. | |
SynchronizationMode | Determines which files are transferred during synchronization. Default is CopyIfTheSizeIsDifferentOrDateIsNewer | |
TimeElapsed | During a file/directory transfer operation, this is the time that has elapsed. | |
Timeout | Gets/Sets the number of milliseconds to wait for a request from the FTP server. The default is to wait 30000 (30 seconds). | |
TimeZoneList | Return a list of all the time zones and their GMT offset. This can be used to populate a drop down list similar to the Date Property Dialog in Windows XP or Windows Vista. | |
UseAuthSsl | When EnableSSL is true, the default is to use AUTH TLS when connecting. If this property is set to true, use AUTH SSL | |
UseBinary | If true, use binary transfer mode else use ascii mode. The default mode is binary. | |
UseCCC | Issue a CCC (Clear Command Channel) after connecting with SSL. Required for some FTP Servers when using a NAT. | |
UseHostForPasv | Uses the host IP Address instead of the PASV IP Address Response. Sometimes required when using a NAT. | |
UseModeZ | Use Mode Z Compression for Data Transfers | |
UsePassive | If true, use passive FTP mode. The default is passive mode. | |
UsePort990ForImplicitSsl | By default, Port 990 means implicit SSL. Setting to false will allow non-ssl on port 990 or explicit SSL on port 990 | |
UserName | Specifies the user name to use while communicating with the FTP Server. | |
UseStandardDirectoryListing | When UseStandardDirectoryListing is true, a MLSD command is given to get the directory listing instead of the LIST command. Permissions are not available with MLSD | |
Utf8Mode | Use UTF-8 encoding |
Name | Description | |
BytesAverage | ||
BytesCurrent | ||
BytesPeak | ||
CustomObject | Custom object that the user sets during an async transfer | |
LastConnectedHost | ||
LastDirectory | ||
LastSuccessfulTime | The last time we made a successfull connection |
Name | Description | |
CalcHourDifference | Calculate the difference in hours between the local pc and the remote ftp server. The current logged in user must have write access to the current ftp directory. | |
Cancel | Cancels any async transfers | |
ClearLog | Overloaded. Clear the file log | |
CompressBytes | Compress the passed bytes using the specified compression type | |
CompressFile | Compress a file using the specified compression type | |
CompressStream | Compress a stream using the specified compression type | |
Connect | Open the FTP Server connection explicitly and leave it open until explicitly closed. | |
CrcEqualFtp | Returns true if the CRC matches for the local file and the FTP file The FTP server must support the XCRC command | |
CrcEqualLocal | Return true if the Cyclic Redundancy Check is the same for two local files. This is a fast way to compare if two files are the same | |
CreateDirectory | Create a directory in the current FTP directory | |
DecompressBytes | Decompress the passed bytes using the specified compression type | |
DecompressFile | Decompress a file using the specified compression type | |
DecompressStream | Decompress a stream using the specified compression type | |
DeleteByDateRange | Delete all files in the current FTP directory with a modification date within the specified date range | |
DeleteByWildcard | Overloaded. Deletes all of the files in the current directory matching a pattern | |
DeleteDirectory | Delete a directory in the current FTP directory. It deletes all files and sub directories within a directory. | |
DeleteFile | Delete a file in the current FTP directory | |
DirectoriesEqual | Returns true if the Cyclic Redundancy Check Passes for all files in two local directories | |
DirectoryExists | Check to see if an FTP directory exists. | |
DisableLogging | Disable all logging. | |
Disconnect | Explicitly disconnect from the FTP server. | |
Dispose | Disposes the object by canceling any async transfer and destroying the FTPRequest object | |
DownloadChunkAsync | Download the chunk of a file into a local stream | |
DownloadDirectory | Overloaded. Download files matching the wildcard pattern. | |
DownloadDirectoryAsync | Overloaded. Download files matching the wildcard pattern. | |
DownloadDirectoryInParallel | Download a directory and all subdirectories in Parallel using two threads and two FTP connections | |
DownloadDirectoryInParallelAsync | Download a directory and all subdirectories in Parallel using two threads and two FTP connections | |
DownloadFile | Overloaded. Download a file name synchronously using FTP | |
DownloadFileAsync | Overloaded. Download a file from the FTP server asynchronously from the specified byte offset. | |
DownloadFilesInParallel | Download files in Parallel using two threads with two FTP connections | |
DownloadFilesInParallelAsync | Download files in Parallel as an Async Task using two threads with two FTP connections | |
DownloadStream | Overloaded. Download to a file stream from the FTP Server synchronously. | |
DownloadStreamAsync | Overloaded. Download to a file stream from the FTP server asynchronously from the specified byte offset. | |
EnableLogging | Overloaded. Log all FTP operations to a memory stream. | |
Features | Return a list of features supported by the FTP Server by issuing a FEAT command. | |
FileExists | Check to see if a file exists in the current FTP directory | |
FileExistsByRegex | Returns true if a file exists in the current directory matching the regular expression | |
FileExistsByWildcard | Returns true if a file exists in the current directory matching the wildcard pattern | |
GetAllFiles | Recursively get all the files in the specified FTP Directory and all subdirectories | |
GetCrcLocal | Get the CRC32 of a local file in hexadecimal | |
GetDirectoryListing | Overloaded. Get a listing of the files in the current FTP directory and filter between a start and end date | |
GetDirectoryListingAsXML | Get a directory listing as XML | |
GetDirectorySize | Gets the size of a remote directory in bytes | |
GetFileDate | Gets the modification date of a remote file. | |
GetFileSize | Gets the file size of a remote file in bytes. | |
GetFTPServerType | Get the FTP Server type (uses the SYST command) | |
GetNameList | Uses NLST to get a list of the file names in the current directory See also: GetRawDirectoryListing, GetDirectoryListing | |
GetRawDirectoryListing | Overloaded. Returns the raw directory listing of the current FTP folder via the LIST command | |
GetRawStandardDirectoryListing | Returns a raw standard directory listing of the current FTP folder via the MLSD command | |
GetStartingBytes | Get the first bytes in a file | |
GetXCrc | Get the XCRC aka CRC32 of an FTP file in hexadecimal. The FTP Server must support XCRC. See the Features() method | |
Help | Returns a list of supported commands on the FTP Server by issuing a HELP Command | |
MoveFile | Move a file on the FTP Server | |
ParseDirectoryListing | Parse the directory listing into a list of FTPFileInfo objects This is used for unit testing of directory formats | |
ParseStandardDirectoryListing | Parse a Standardized Directory Listing returned from an MLSD command | |
PutAscii | Overloaded. Upload an ASCII file | |
RenameDirectory | Renames a directory in the current FTP directory | |
RenameFile | Renames a file in the current FTP directory. | |
ResumeDownloadFile | Automatically resume downloading a file where it was left off. | |
ResumeDownloadFileAsync | Overloaded. Resume downloading a file asynchronously. It automatically starts at where it left off. | |
ResumeDownloadStream | Resume a download from the current stream position | |
ResumeUploadFile | Resume an upload for a file synchronously using FTP. It automatically resumes where it left off. | |
ResumeUploadFileAsync | Overloaded. Resume an upload for a file asynchronously using FTP. It automatically resumes where it left off. | |
ResumeUploadStream | Resume an upload from a local stream to an FTP file. It automatically starts at where it left off. | |
ResumeUploadStreamAsync | Overloaded. Resume an upload from a local stream to an FTP file. It automatically starts at where it left off. | |
Retry | Retry after a failed Asynchronous FTP Operation | |
SendNoop | Send a No Operation command | |
SendRawFTP | Overloaded. Send a raw FTP command | |
SiteToSiteDirectorySynchronization | Synchronize specified by name directory on current FTP and destination FTP. | |
SiteToSiteDirectorySynchronizationAsync | Synchronize specified by name directory on current FTP and destination FTP asynchronously. | |
SiteToSiteTransferFile | Transfer specified by name file from current FTP to destination FTP. | |
SiteToSiteTransferFileAsync | Transfer specified by name file from current FTP to destination FTP asynchronously. | |
SortDirectoryListing | Sort an FTP Directory Listing | |
Statistics | Issue a STAT command to the FTP Server and return the current statistics for the FTP Session | |
SynchronizeDownload | Overloaded. Transfer files that do not exist locally synchronously OR Files that have a different byte count OR Files that have a modification date difference in seconds greater than 60. The hour difference between the local machine and the FTP server is taken into account when CalcHourDifference has been called. By default all files and sub directories are attempted to be synchronized. | |
SynchronizeDownloadAsync | Overloaded. Transfer files that do not exist locally asynchronously OR Files that have a different byte count OR Files that have a modification date difference in seconds greater than 60. The hour difference between the local machine and the FTP server is taken into account when CalcHourDifference has been called. By default all files and sub directories are attempted to be synchronized. | |
SynchronizeDownloadWithDelete | Overloaded. Transfer files that do not exist locally synchronously OR Files that have a different byte count OR Files that have a modification date difference in seconds greater than 60. The hour difference between the local machine and the FTP server is taken into account when CalcHourDifference has been called. By default all files and sub directories are attempted to be synchronized. Local files and directories will be deleted if they do not exist in the corresponding FTP directory. | |
SynchronizeDownloadWithDeleteAsync | Overloaded. Transfer files that do not exist locally asynchronously OR Files that have a different byte count OR Files that have a modification date difference in seconds greater than 60. The hour difference between the local machine and the FTP server is taken into account when CalcHourDifference has been called. By default all files and sub directories are attempted to be synchronized. Local files and directories will be deleted if they do not exist in the corresponding FTP directory. | |
SynchronizeUpload | Overloaded. Transfer files that do not exist locally synchronously OR Files that have a different byte count OR Files that have a modification date difference in seconds greater than 60. The hour difference between the local machine and the FTP server is taken into account when CalcHourDifference has been called. By default all files and sub directories are attempted to be synchronized. | |
SynchronizeUploadAsync | Overloaded. Synchronize Upload a Directory and Exclude a List of files, directories, or wildcards | |
SynchronizeUploadWithDelete | Overloaded. Transfer files that do not exist locally synchronously OR Files that have a different byte count OR Files that have a modification date difference in seconds greater than 60. The hour difference between the local machine and the FTP server is taken into account when CalcHourDifference has been called. By default all files and sub directories are attempted to be synchronized. FTP files and directories will be deleted if they do not exist in the corresponding local directory. | |
SynchronizeUploadWithDeleteAsync | Overloaded. Synchronize Upload a Directory With Delete and Exclude a List of files, directories, or wildcards | |
UploadChunkAsync | Append a chunk to the end of a file | |
UploadDirectory | Overloaded. Upload an entire directory, subdirectories, and files synchronously using FTP. | |
UploadDirectoryAsync | Overloaded. Upload an entire directory, subdirectories, and files asynchronously using FTP. | |
UploadDirectoryInParallel | Upload a directory and all sub directories in parallel using two threads and two FTP connections | |
UploadDirectoryInParallelAsync | Download a directory and all sub directories in parallel using two threads and two FTP connections | |
UploadFile | Overloaded. Upload a file name synchronously using FTP | |
UploadFileAsync | Overloaded. Upload a file asynchronously. | |
UploadFilesInParallel | Upload files in Parallel using two threads with two FTP connections | |
UploadFilesInParallelAsync | Upload files in Parallel as an Async Task using two threads with two FTP connections | |
UploadFileUnique | Upload a file with a unique file name synchronously using FTP | |
UploadStream | Overloaded. Upload a file stream to the FTP server synchronously. | |
UploadStreamAsync | Overloaded. Upload a file stream asynchronously to the FTP server | |
WildcardToRegex | Translate a wildcard pattern to a regex string |
Name | Description | |
CheckAsyncTransfer | ||
Finalize | Finalize | |
Throttle | Calculates the current and average transfer speed, throttling it if needed | |
VerifyFtpDirectoryForDownload | Verify that the FTP directory exists | |
VerifyLocalDirectoryForDownload | Ensure that the local directory can be written to | |
VerifyLocalStreamForDownload | Verify that the local stream can be downloaded | |
VerifyLocalStreamForUpload | Ensure the local stream can be uploaded |
Name | Description | |
CommandSentEvent | Fired when a command is sent to the FTP server | |
FailureEvent | Fired when an exception occurs during an asyncronous operation | |
FileProgressEvent | Fired for upload/download progress of the current file | |
FileTransferCompleteEvent | Fired when an asynchronous transfer has completed | |
OverallProgressEvent | When downloading/uploading directories this is the overall progress | |
ResponseReceivedEvent | Fired when a response is received from the FTP Sever | |
TransferCancelEvent | Fired when an asynchronous transfer has cancelled | |
TransferCompleteEvent | Fired when an asynchronous transfer has completed | |
TransferStartedEvent | Fired when an asynchronous transfer has started |