| Name | Description |
 | CalcHourDifference | Calculate the difference in hours between the local pc and the remote ftp server.
The current logged in user must have write access to the current ftp directory. |
 | Cancel | Cancels any async transfers |
 | ClearLog | Overloaded.
Clear the file log
 | CompressBytes | Compress the passed bytes using the specified compression type |
 | CompressFile | Compress a file using the specified compression type |
 | CompressStream | Compress a stream using the specified compression type |
 | Connect | Open the FTP Server connection explicitly and leave it open until explicitly
closed. |
 | CrcEqualLocal | Return true if the Cyclic Redundancy Check is the same for two local files. This
is a fast way to compare if two files are the same |
 | CreateDirectory |
Create a directory in the current FTP directory
 | CreatePortForwardingL |
Creates a local-side port forwarding.
 | CreatePortForwardingR |
Creates a remote side port forwarding to a host at the local side.
 | DecompressBytes | Decompress the passed bytes using the specified compression type |
 | DecompressFile | Decompress a file using the specified compression type |
 | DecompressStream | Decompress a stream using the specified compression type |
 | DeleteByDateRange | Delete all files in the current FTP directory with a modification date within the
specified date range |
 | DeleteByWildcard | Overloaded.
Deletes all of the files in the current directory matching a pattern
 | DeleteDirectory |
Delete a directory in the current FTP directory. It deletes all files and sub
directories within a directory.
 | DeleteFile |
Delete a file in the current FTP directory
 | DeletePortForwardingL |
Delete local-side port forwarding
 | DeletePortForwardingR |
Removes a remote port forwarding.
 | DirectoriesEqual | Returns true if the Cyclic Redundancy Check Passes for all files in two local directories |
 | DirectoryExists | Check to see if an FTP directory exists. |
 | DisableLogging | Disable all logging. |
 | Disconnect | Explicitly disconnect from the SFTP server. |
 | Dispose |
Disposes the object by canceling any async transfer and destroying the FTPRequest object
 | DownloadDirectory | Overloaded. Download files matching the wildcard pattern. |
 | DownloadDirectoryAsync | Overloaded. Download files matching the wildcard pattern. |
 | DownloadDirectoryInParallel |
Download a directory and all subdirectories in Parallel using two threads and two SFTP connections
 | DownloadDirectoryInParallelAsync |
Download a directory and all subdirectories in Parallel using two threads and two SFTP connections
 | DownloadFile | Overloaded. Download a file name synchronously using FTP |
 | DownloadFileAsync | Overloaded.
Download a file from the SSH server asynchronously from the specified byte
 | DownloadFilesInParallel |
Download files in Parallel using two threads with two SFTP connections
 | DownloadFilesInParallelAsync |
Download files in Parallel as an Async Task using two threads with two SFTP connections
 | DownloadStream | Overloaded. Download to a file stream from the FTP Server synchronously. |
 | DownloadStreamAsync | Overloaded.
Download to a file stream from the SSH server asynchronously from the specified
byte offset.
 | EnableLogging | Overloaded.
Log all FTP commands, responses, and exceptions to the console.
 | ExecuteShellCommand |
Execute a shell command on an SSH Server
 | FileExists |
Check to see if a file exists in the current FTP directory
 | FileExistsByRegex | Returns true if a file exists in the current directory matching the regular expression |
 | FileExistsByWildcard | Returns true if a file exists in the current directory matching the wildcard pattern |
 | GenerateSshKey |
Generate a public/private key pair for SSH.
 | GetAllFiles |
Recursively get a list of files in the specified directory and all subdirectories
 | GetCrcLocal | Get the CRC32 of a local file in hexadecimal |
 | GetDirectoryListing | Overloaded.
Get a listing of the files in the current FTP directory and filter between a start and end date
 | GetDirectoryListingAsXML | Get a directory listing as XML |
 | GetDirectorySize | Gets the size of a remote directory in bytes |
 | GetFileDate | Gets the modification date of a remote file. |
 | GetFileSize | Gets the file size of a remote file in bytes. |
 | GetPortForwardingL |
Returns a snapshot of the current local port forwarding configurations.
 | MoveFile |
Move a file on the SFTP Server
 | RenameDirectory |
Renames a directory in the current FTP directory
 | RenameFile | Renames a file in the current FTP directory. |
 | ResumeDownloadFile | Automatically resume downloading a file where it was left off. |
 | ResumeDownloadFileAsync | Overloaded.
Resume downloading a file asynchronously. It automatically starts at where it
left off.
 | ResumeDownloadStream | Resume a download from the current stream position |
 | ResumeUploadFile | Resume an upload for a file synchronously using sftp. It automatically resumes where it left off. |
 | ResumeUploadFileAsync | Overloaded.
Resume an upload for a file asynchronously using sftp. It automatically resumes where it left off.
 | ResumeUploadStream | Resume an upload from a local stream to an FTP file. It automatically starts at
where it left off. |
 | ResumeUploadStreamAsync | Overloaded.
Resume an upload from a local stream to an FTP file. It automatically starts at
where it left off.
 | Retry |
Retry after a failed Asynchronous FTP Operation
 | SCPCreateDirectory |
Create a directory using the SCP Protocol
 | SCPGetBinary | Overloaded.
Get a file using the SCP Protocol
 | SCPPutBinary | Overloaded.
Upload a file using the SCP Protocol
 | SetPermissions |
Set file or directory permissions. It must be in the same format as the permissions string in the FileInfo
 | SiteToSiteDirectorySynchronization |
Synchronize specified by name directory on current SFTP and destination SFTP.
 | SiteToSiteDirectorySynchronizationAsync |
Synchronize specified by name directory on current SFTP and destination SFTP asynchronously
 | SiteToSiteTransferFile |
Transfer specified by name file from current SFTP to destination SFTP.
 | SiteToSiteTransferFileAsync |
Transfer specified by name file from current SFTP to destination SFTP asynchronously.
 | SortDirectoryListing | Sort an FTP Directory Listing |
 | SynchronizeDownload | Overloaded.
Transfer files that do not exist locally synchronously OR Files that have a
different byte count OR Files that have a modification date difference in seconds
greater 60. The hour difference between the local machine and
the SSH server is taken into account when CalcHourDifference has been called. By
default all files and sub directories are attempted to be synchronized.
 | SynchronizeDownloadAsync | Overloaded.
Transfer files that do not exist locally asynchronously OR Files that have a
different byte count OR Files that have a modification date difference in seconds
greater than 60. The hour difference between the local machine and
the SSH server is taken into account when CalcHourDifference has been called. By
default all files and sub directories are attempted to be synchronized.
 | SynchronizeDownloadWithDelete | Overloaded.
Transfer files that do not exist locally synchronously OR Files that have a
different byte count OR Files that have a modification date difference in seconds
greater 60. The hour difference between the local machine and
the SSH server is taken into account when CalcHourDifference has been called. By
default all files and sub directories are attempted to be synchronized.
Local files and directories will be deleted if they do not exist in the corresponding FTP directory.
 | SynchronizeDownloadWithDeleteAsync | Overloaded.
Transfer files that do not exist locally asynchronously OR Files that have a
different byte count OR Files that have a modification date difference in seconds
greater than 60. The hour difference between the local machine and
the SSH server is taken into account when CalcHourDifference has been called. By
default all files and sub directories are attempted to be synchronized.
Local files and directories will be deleted if they do not exist in the corresponding FTP directory.
 | SynchronizeUpload | Overloaded.
Transfer files that do not exist locally synchronously OR Files that have a
different byte count OR Files that have a modification date difference in seconds
greater than 60. The hour difference between the local machine and
the SSH server is taken into account when CalcHourDifference has been called. By
default all files and sub directories are attempted to be synchronized.
 | SynchronizeUploadAsync | Overloaded.
Transfer files that do not exist locally synchronously OR Files that have a
different byte count OR Files that have a modification date difference in seconds
greater than 60. The hour difference between the local machine and
the SSH server is taken into account when CalcHourDifference has been called. By
default all files and sub directories are attempted to be synchronized.
 | SynchronizeUploadWithDelete | Overloaded.
Transfer files that do not exist locally synchronously OR Files that have a
different byte count OR Files that have a modification date difference in seconds
greater than 60. The hour difference between the local machine and
the SSH server is taken into account when CalcHourDifference has been called. By
default all files and sub directories are attempted to be synchronized.
FTP files and directories will be deleted if they do not exist in the corresponding local directory.
 | SynchronizeUploadWithDeleteAsync | Overloaded.
Transfer files that do not exist locally synchronously OR Files that have a
different byte count OR Files that have a modification date difference in seconds
greater than 60. The hour difference between the local machine and
the SSH server is taken into account when CalcHourDifference has been called. By
default all files and sub directories are attempted to be synchronized.
FTP files and directories will be deleted if they do not exist in the corresponding local directory.
 | ToString |
Get connected host
 | UploadDirectory | Overloaded.
Upload an entire directory, subdirectories, and files synchronously using
 | UploadDirectoryAsync | Overloaded.
Upload an entire directory, subdirectories, and files asynchronously using
 | UploadDirectoryInParallel |
Upload a directory and all sub directories in parallel using two threads and two SFTP connections
 | UploadDirectoryInParallelAsync |
Download a directory and all sub directories in parallel using two threads and two SFTP connections
 | UploadFile | Overloaded. Upload a file name synchronously using FTP |
 | UploadFileAsync | Overloaded. Upload a file asynchronously. |
 | UploadFilesInParallel |
Upload files in Parallel using two threads with two SFTP connections
 | UploadFilesInParallelAsync |
Upload files in Parallel as an Async Task using two threads with two SFTP connections
 | UploadFileUnique | Upload a file with a unique file name synchronously using FTP |
 | UploadStream | Overloaded. Upload a file stream to the SSH server synchronously. |
 | UploadStreamAsync | Overloaded.
Upload a file stream asynchronously to the SSH server
 | WildcardToRegex | Translate a wildcard pattern to a regex string |