| Name | Description |
 | AsyncInProgress |
If true there is an Asynchronous tranfer in progress
 | BufferSize |
Set the Buffer Size In Bytes For Uploading and Downloading. The default is 32767 bytes
 | BytesSkipped |
The number of bytes that were skipped during a Syncronize Upload or Download because the files were the same
 | Compression |
Compression. The default is autodetect. If the server supports ZLib compression it will atomatically be used.
 | CurrentDirectory | Specifies the current FTP directory. |
 | CurrentDirectoryBeingTransferred |
The name of the current directory being transferred (the source directory name).
This property is filled durring asynchronous uploads/downloads for directories. For
single file operations, this property is string.empty.
 | CurrentDirectoryNumber |
When uploading/downloading directories this is the number of the current
directory or subdirectory being transferred.
 | CurrentFileBeingTransferred |
The name of the current file being transferred. This property is filled during
asynchronous uploads/downloads.
 | CurrentFileBeingTransferredDestination |
The currently transferring file destination. This property is filled during
asynchronous uploads/downloads.
 | CurrentFileNumber |
When uploading/downloading directories this is the number of the current file
being transferred.
 | CustomLogger |
Attach a custom logger for logging
 | DefaultDirectory |
This is a property that is set after connecting to the default directory. When disconnected, this property is null.
 | DirectoryCount |
When uploading/downloading directories, this is the total number of directories
and sub directories to be transferred.
 | DisableRemoteDirectoryDetection |
If true when uploading a file do not check if the target directory is the same name as the file being uploaded
 | EstimatedTimeRemaining |
During a file/directory transfer operation, this is the time that remains. This
is calculated by the average KB/Second and the remaining bytes to transfer.
 | ExactDirectoryMode |
Some FTP servers do not allow root access. Kellerman FTP automatically detects this but it can be overridden.
 | FileCount |
When uploading/downloading directories this is the total number of files to be
 | FipsCompliantMode |
FIPS 140-2 Mode. If true, only AES and 3DES algorithms will be allowed for communication. Only HMAC SHA1 will be used for the handshake. The default is false. Your remote SSH Server must support FIPS 140-2 in order to connect.
 | HostAddress | Specifies the host name or IP Address of the FTP Server. |
 | HourDifference |
The difference in hours between the local time and the FTP Server Time. See the
CalcHourDifference to automatically calculate the hour difference between the local PC
and the FTP Server.
 | IgnoreDirectoriesWithNoPermission |
By default, local directories that do not have permission to be read will throw an unauthorized exception. Setting this flag ignores those errors.
 | IsBusy | Returns true when any FTP operation is in progress. |
 | IsCancelled |
If true, the SFTP operation has been cancelled
 | IsConnected | Returns true if we are connected to the FTP server. |
 | KiloByteAverage |
During a file or directory transfer operation, this is the average transfer rate
in KB/Sec.
 | KiloBytePeak |
During a file or directory transfer operation, this is the highest transfer rate
in KB/Sec.
 | KiloBytePerSecond | This is the current speed of a file or directory transfer in KB/Sec. |
 | KiloBytePerSecThrottle |
This is the maximum number of KB/Sec of bandwidth that the FTP component will use
If zero, it will transfer at top speed.
 | KiloBytesSkipped |
When synchronizing, or when not overwriting files, this is the current number of
bytes that didn't need to be transferred.
 | LastException |
Get the last exception that occurred during an FTP Operation. This value is
automatically set to null each time a new FTP Session is Connected. The default for
this property is null.
 | LastFtpCommand | Return the last FTP Command Attempted. |
 | LastFtpResponse | Return the last FTP Response from the server. |
 | MaskUserNamePassword |
If true, the user name and password will be replaced with **** when logging, otherwise they will be displayed.
The default is true.
 | MaxAuthorizationTries |
When trying to connect the .NET SFTP Library will try User Name and Password, Public Key Authentication, and Keyboard Interactive Authentication By Default.
There are a default of three authorization attempts. If set to 1, it will only try User Name and Password, if set to 2 then User Name/Password then Public Key, if 3 then Keyboard Interactive Authentication
 | OverrideCiphers |
Explicitly override the ciphers that should be used when connecting. This is a comma delimited list.
Valid Ciphers are: aes128-ctr,aes128-cbc,aes192-ctr,aes192-cbc,aes256-ctr,aes256-cbc,3des-ctr,3des-cbc,blowfish-cbc,arcfour256,arcfour128,arcfour
 | OverrideMacs |
Explicity override the MAC integrity checking when connecting. This is a comma delimited list.
Valid MAC algorithims are: hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-256-96,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha2-512-96,hmac-md5,hmac-sha1,hmac-sha1-96,hmac-md5-96
 | OverwriteFiles |
If a file already exists locally it will be overwritten during a download. The
default for this property is false.
 | OverwriteReadOnlyFiles |
If a local file is a read only file it will be overwritten durring a download.
The default for this property is false.
 | ParentDirectory |
Returns the parent directory for the current directory or the root
 | Password | Specifies the password to use while communicating with the FTP Server. |
 | PercentComplete |
The percent complete for the overall transfer
 | Port | Specifies the port to communicate with the FTP Server. The default is 21. |
 | Proxy |
Hold Information about the FTP Proxy Server. Socks 5 is normally used for proxy
servers with port 1080. The older Socks 4 is supported, this also normally operates on
port 1080.
 | ReadWriteTimeout |
Gets/Sets the timeout in milliseconds when reading/writing to a local file stream
or network stream. The default is to wait 30000 (30 seconds).
 | RestartSupported |
By default the .NET FTP Library assumes your FTP Server supports the REST command when connections are lost.
If set to false, the entire file is re-transfered when the connection is lost
 | RetryTimeout |
Retry timeout in milliseconds if a network connection drops. The default is to
wait 5 minutes if the network drops and then retry an upload or download from the last
byte position. If no retry is desired set to -1.
 | SessionGuid |
Uniquely identifies this instantiated FTP object
 | SkippedFiles |
When synchronizing, or when not overwriting files, this is the current number of
files that didn't need to be transferred.
 | SshKeyFile |
A private key file for an SSH connection in OpenSSH or Putty format
 | SshKeyStream |
As an alternate to the SSH Key File, create a memory stream for the key
 | SshPassphrase |
A passphrase for the SshKeyFile or SshKeyStream if required
 | SynchronizationMode |
Determines which files are transferred during synchronization. Default is CopyIfTheSizeIsDifferentOrDateIsNewer
 | TimeElapsed |
During a file/directory transfer operation, this is the time that has
 | Timeout |
Gets/Sets the number of milliseconds to wait for a request from the FTP server.
The default is to wait 30000 (30 seconds).
 | TimeZoneList |
Return a list of all the time zones and their GMT offset. This can be used to
populate a drop down list similar to the Date Property Dialog in Windows XP or Windows
 | TransferMode |
Determines if files are transferred as binary or ASCII. The default is binary. See the TransferMode enum for more information.
 | UserName | Specifies the user name to use while communicating with the FTP Server. |